Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about Allfasteners, our products and our services.
When Is Allfasteners Retail Store in New Jersey Open?
7am - 5pm Monday to Friday
Is Allfasteners Closed on a Holiday?
Allfasteners is closed on the following federal holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving & Christmas.
Where is Allfasteners Located?
Allfasteners has locations in Ohio, New Jersey, Illinois & California.
Why Use ICC-ES Evaluated Fasteners?
ICC-ES (International Code Council Evaluation Service) fasteners are those that have been evaluated and approved by the ICC-ES, an independent organization that verifies compliance with building codes and standards.
Having completed hundreds of evaluations of building products, components, methods, and materials, ICC-ESR has a proven track record of excellence in product evaluations.
Is the customer portal free for anyone to use?
Our customer portal is free for all customers.
Is It Better to Use a Company with Locations Nationwide or a Small Local Supplier?
Big box stores or local suppliers, you make the decision.
Does Allfasteners have a free anchor design software?
Allfasteners has a free downloadable way for customers to design anchors for their projects - the AFOS® Anchor Design Software.
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