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Dry Core Drilling vs. Wet Core Drilling

When drilling holes into concrete with diameters larger than 1-2” you will want to consider using a core drill bit. Not all core drill bits are the same. There are several factors that must be considered to choose the best drill bit like the concrete material, depth and specific application.

This will lead you to the decision of choosing between dry or wet core drill bits. These tips explain the difference between dry and wet core drilling and when both are the better option.

Wet Core Drilling

In the majority of core bit drilling, wet core drilling is the most sought-after option. The wet core drill bits utilize water to help the drill pierce through the surface of the material. Water drives the drill bit through the material faster than other core bits. As with the dry, the wet core drill bit has a hollow center to remove the core from the hole leaving behind a clean surface.

A wet core drill bit is used in many applications including plumbing, masonry for pipes or manholes and drilling into concrete among many more. The use of wet over dry is often preferable, because wet core drill bits leave the hole more durable due to the fewer fragments left behind. In addition, wet core drill bits help control dust by flushing out the cuts, which will help your drill bit last longer. 

Dry Core Drilling

A dry core drill bit is simply that, dry. They have hollow centers designed to remove a core from the hole so that no material is left behind. Used without water, the dry core drill bits have a higher amount of stress and pressure placed on the blade which can cause the drill speed to decrease. 

Most of the time a wet core drill bit is the preferred option. However, when additional water is not necessary to the job application dry core drill bits are the best option. In any case involving electrical wire, it is the safest option to choose a dry core drill bit. Dry core drill bits are also the best option for use in medium to soft brick drilling.


In the end, both drill bits styles are effective tools for your job application with the wet core drill bit being the more preferred of the two options. Allfasteners carries the core drill bits and extensions needed for your next application. Check them out here to collect the tools you’ll need at the jobsite. 

Inquiries About Core Drilling?

Have questions about what type of core drilling you should do or where you can purchase the tools necessary for your job? Contact Allfasteners, the one stop shop for All Things Fastening, via email or by calling 888.859.6060